Urban entire stock, investors from Maumere, East Nusa Tenggara, the days passed with no sense of calm, when there preaching the various actions that bermodus banking crimes of money laundering.
His heart began to be haunted by anxiety, worried that the money saved in the form of investments in shares worth hundreds of millions of dollars could disappear, if the crime was penetrated in the capital market, because it does not close the possibility of money laundering will occur, as in banking.
Each day Urban always enabled cell phone handphone (HP) only to contact the securities company you trust, simply knowing the number of its portfolio in stocks, mutual funds or non-stock.
"I feel tired even when continuous contact brokers just to know my portfolio. My mind can not calm down and think about invesasi ga concentration in securities. I am so afraid there is deception mode. So ga really comfortable, "gumannya.
Opportunities for crime in the area of investment securities or capital markets open enough crimes. Securities companies that rogue clients can utilize the funds with no responsibility. Examples of these securities crimes can happen with the purchase of stock counterfeiting mode. Customers asked for securities firms to buy stakes in certain companies, but companies do not do it.
Urban behalf of the many investors who have not opted in radar KSEI about membership and access card
benefits. Unfortunately Urban figure who wants to invest in the stock market safe, but never knew the need for investors to have access cards.
Yet access card is one solution to prevent the occurrence of crime that the capital market. Access card holders can use the card that was launched PT KSEI this to access their funds transaction history online and in real time.Melalui KSEI access facilities, are expected to investors no doubt over the issue of transparency, predictability and certainty in the investment data in a comfortable and safe. So that will increase the confidence to invest in Indonesian Capital Market.
Any investor who already have an account at a bank custodian, the investor will have the access card ID that can be
used to access the history of his securities transactions. KSEI also prepare a security consultant for this card. Construction is also easy via the network (online) by entering the data themselves and the number of Identity Single Investor (Investor Single Identity) which can be obtained from the securities firm or broker.
It took 2 weeks and is free of charge. While the ownership of securities of the reference card printing (Access) can be completed within two days. However, delivery of these cards to investors, depending on the firm effect (PE) in question.
Another case with Onny Octavia investors from Aberdeen, feel the true benefits of an access card, as collateral for investment in capital market. Simply by having a single access card, the investor with the advantage of the features of cross-link its consolidated with easy to monitor the ownership records of securities held in the form of stocks, bonds and others are stored in several securities companies in recent Sub Account in KSEI.
"By having this card, investors can continue to monitor the portfolio effect anytime, anywhere. Requirement is also easy enough to do the login and after that active monitoring,''said Onny while showing an access card.
Onny said before having access card, he was confused and thinking calmly is not investment. The reason for monitoring its shares depend on the Company Securities. even be apathetic or indifferent, because they do not know echo mafaat socialization and access cards. Though the card bearing the keyhole was launched since June 18, 2009, but only learned Onny early 2011 precisely this.
"Since KSEI intense socialization in various areas especially in eastern Indonesia, I know about the new access card. And the most important benefits. Since then I just signed up to have the access card is not difficult really, "said Onny.
Likewise with Surya Irawan, investors from Aberdeen who understand the benefits of access card, because since a card bearing the logo of this key, Surya directly use it. Because the guy who education Communication Technology, have no trouble accessing fiture-fiture remedy that exists in access card. "If you want to be honest a lot of benefit to have and use this access card. Unfortunately are not yet familiar among other investors," said Surya was interrupted before the event Karu Access Socialization in Balikpapan, on Thursday (19 / 5) night.
Surya admitted some of her friends also experienced problems when using an access card to melogin, he emmperhitungkan when more and more investors are accessing the access card, then upload the slow process (looding). Surya gives the parable as well as internet providers, more and more customers, the longer the process to access it.
"To be honest I really wanted to talk directly with Mr. Sulistyo Budi (Directors KSEI ed) asked about the slowness with the login process at the same time with other investors," said Surya.
According to Surya, the demands of Bapepam-LK, which requires investors to have an access card, next year, at the same time investors in droves mnedaftarkan to obtain access cards, control technology KSEI kewalaha feared. "So as the internet continues to crash," he said.
When the socialization access card at the start, when a Master of Ceremonies (MC) told investors who already have an access card, in unison most of the investors held up his hand. But when asked who already use the access card, then it can be calculated how many people who held up his index finger.
Well one diantarnya is Surya who is technology literate, because at the event, carrying a laptop is connected Surya
Internet. With fingers fasihnya tastepad Surya plays, watching the stock codes that have been memorized out of his head.
Incidentally some investors and some potential investors are sitting at the table with Surya ask about about stocks and chart movement Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Yeah that picture of investor interest when KSEI road show in Aberdeen.
Technology Literacy
Access to internet technology for purposes not been widely recognized accessed by investors. Most also entrust to their respective securities. Indeed many benefits, but there are still many who do not know how to use it directly.
And through this card, the investors can know and monitor the movement of stock, including the balance of each. With a password known only to the owner of the card, the security level is also quite high. Potential investors can also invest more secure and comfortable.
Securities companies already distribute access cards and calling to activate the card. The obstacles that happens one of them triggered by customers who are still conventional and entrusted to the company's securities. They are usually enough to call security. And now compete online trading.Tapi many customers still use the conventional way.
The issue of technology. No doubt, many stock investors are still experiencing internet access technology literacy. Meanwhile, to use these access facilities must use tersebut.Saat technology is still relatively difficult and
complicated to access the access card for investors. Therefore, he expects there will be an easier way for investors to access (login) access card.
Director of PT Budi Sulistyo KSEI assess many investors who already have a reference card Securities Ownership (access), but did not utilize them maksimal.umumnya they assume to have an access card is secure. "It is wrong. Do not just have an access card only, must often be checked as well," he said when met in the socialization access card, "he said
Given this access card into at least one way to prevent the broker to perform data manipulation investor.Dengan the access card, users or investors who access also can find the funds deposited and can be seen. Sulistyo argue that the easiest way is to use this access card is to make use of internet technology.
"Currently the most effective is to use the internet, this is a weakness on because not everyone has access to the Internet. But the future we will be trying again to give investors more aware so that makes access cards and use them. Not only have the card at a time , "said Sulistyo.
Budi Sulistyo admitted that he had made efforts to overcome the gaps and the complexity of the access log. One of them by utilizing telecommunications devices that are familiar hold. Among them can access via mobile phones, especially BlackBerry.
"Easy access via BlackBerry (BB) will be realized around June-July next. Later there was in the BB software to log-in. Later there will be mutations. Hopefully this will make it easier for investors, "he said.
But clearly, continued Sulistyo, in addition to trying to facilitate investors to access the access card, also heavily KSEI give investors an understanding to the importance of access to these facilities. With investor expectations growing capital market access card that empowers its logging and actively conduct periodic checks securities portfolio as of early detection measures to prevent penyalahgunaaan portfolio of securities by an unauthorized person. "Keep your money with this access card," pasanya.
He wished now socialization is not only intended kesedar have an access card, but emphasized how they know how to wear it or use the benefits of this card.
KSEI seeks to improve access card ownership to 100% by the end of 2011. In this case, KSEI berkomitme support securities companies to apply the Bapepam-LK that required to provide access cards to its customers.
Norico Gaman, head of PT BNI Securities Research, the positive rate for investors to have an access card, because access will kKrtu
provide investment protection for public investors to know the transparency of its investment portfolio. Also increasing investors' confidence in investing public funds in public securities firms where investors have easy access to clear information on the funds diinvesitaskan.
On the other side of the access cards also make it easier for public investors to monitor the progress of investments owned, so investors have a balanced and fair information in managing an investment portfolio on an ongoing basis.
But the fact is, there are still many investors who do not maximize the use of access cards. This is because they do not understand to do the login access card. So of the many investors who have access cards only 17 percent of it can login.
The level of awareness of card users to log and monitor their investment portfolio, was still minimal. In late 2010, only 10% of total card owners who access login and monitoring investment portfolios. Across Indonesia, from approximately 334,325 investors who are listed on the stock exchange is only about 82,574 people or 20% have cards KSEI publication.
To the East Kalimantan region for example, from 3295 sub-account effects, only 590 registered investors who have access cards. East Kalimantan is currently ranked 11th nationally for the number of sub accounts and securities rank 13 for the order of access.
As for the city of Balikpapan, the number of sub-account of the effects of 1454 and the owner of the access card 303, and the number of card owners who do log 72 people. In Central Java, the owner only 3472 investors or 19.20% of 18,080 registered brokers. In Solo, from 3089 investors only 20.07% or 620 people.
Separate place Haryajid Ramelan President Director of PT Indonesian Bridge Capital, gave a different perspective on the functions and benefits of access card. For investors, access cards can be likened to the Health Card Investor. Investors can check the health condition of the investment, and history of their portfolios. "If there is no healthy portfolio, the investor can replace it with a healthier portfolio." Haryajid said,
According to the presence of an access card also encourages the implementation of good corporate governance in securities companies. Securities Companies are required to practice the principles of transparency. Investors can then see which ones perform the Securities Company of Good Corporate Governance, which can provide confidence in the investment portfolio of data security.
It is no longer time for the investor does not take advantage of access card. It must be recognized features of an access card simply can not be used for transactions, but nevertheless very helpful investors to restructure its investment portfolio. "If there are investors who do not know or have an access card, I recommend investors to be immediately asked to
The effect of the Company. When constrained, such investors can contact the Call Center KSEI. KSEI will help investors
to obtain access cards, "said Raharjid
Along the development of technology in the world, including Indonesia, KSEI also plans to make the trade data applications in mobile phones and BlackBerry type iPad. "With the will to create applications that will add to ease investor to monitor portfolios. So investors will be more to feel safe anymore because of portfolio investors in the clutch , 'he said
The plan application for the BlackBerry and the iPad will be launched, with the application that could trigger investors to increase its share of transactions in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Haryajid add a plan to make a mobile version of the application will make investors easier access to the shares via an access card. "So that really happen in the grip of the term portfolio," he said
The card is in addition to facilitate investors to check the condition of the investment, can also find out stock broker capability.
Brokers will be more careful in managing client assets, because customers can check their own investments.
"Investors can indirectly determine the quality of brokers," he said.
Back Sulistyo Budi confirmed the presence of mobile access via Black Berry, there is no reason for investors amid kesibukannnya activity. Investors have generally recognized that lua usual bustle, yet with easy access to Mobile, they can at least take the time to look at their investment portfolio through a mobile access network.
"I believe what KSEI do through technological innovation sesuia the times, will make it easier for investors to monitor investments," he said.
KSEI also reminded investors that already have an access card can immediately log in and actively check their fund portfolio securities and periodically as early detection measures to prevent penyalahgunaaan portfolio of securities by an unauthorized person
As a non-profit oriented institution in charge of the Indonesian capital market development, KSEI will improve implementation of the activities and education about the benefits and rights of every investor has access card for free.
Socialization access card is not only done to investors, but also involves the company's securities (PE). But so far their role was minimal. This is a question by Adrian Maulana as Ambassador Card Access.
Recorded from KSEI data, there are currently 115 securities companies registered in the custodian bank. Of that number, only 49 PE who are committed to participate in AKSes.Padahal card sosiaisasi Bapepam-LK has made the rules of the Securities Company obligation to make a Single Investor ID for its customers, which will be used throughout the Indonesian capital market activities, as required in Rule- LK No VD3.
Provisions in Bapepam-LK. VD4 which requires securities companies to provide access to information to its customers to be able to directly monitor the portfolio of securities and funds. From several series of socialization access card, Adrian Maulana, constantly reminded of PE to provide an access card for investors.
"Socialization access card is charged not only KSEI course, but we want their cooperation in securities companies to Boost Access Card," he said.
Imagine what would happen if the funds are invested through stock instruments in the capital market through the securities company suddenly disappeared. Indeed, many investors feel comfortable investing in the hands of brokers, but alanglah be much better if investors know that there are instruments that can actually give real protection and transparency.
"We want investors to know the role KSEI who tried to protect investors from securities act naughty. By the way have an access card," he said
KSEI role as warriors and Adrian Duta access cards always relentless socializing access card as a guarantee of investment security. They try to pamper investors with various facilities that promise future investment in capital markets which tracked access card. but unfortunately a million benefits access card is still minimal users
One Million Users Minimal Access Card Benefits
Written By Lemoters on Jumat, 20 Mei 2011 | 18.13
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